Yarlett here,

Hola, es tiempo de una introducción! Mi nombre es Yarlett y es un placer poder compartir más sobre mi con ustedes!

I am a Brownsville TX native, born and raised in the most beautiful ciudad. Soy mamá de dos hermosos muñecos que me alegran mucho la vida! I have a bachelors degree in Rehabilitation and Counseling and a Masters degree in Special Education. I was an early childhood special education teacher before having my daughter in 2021. After my daughter was born I knew I needed to stay home with her, but my passion for helping others was still so strong in my heart. 

In 2022 I began a hobby in photography which has now become my part time job! I discovered that I could freeze memories for others and offering that to people has been such an honor. 

When I become pregnant with my son in 2022 I knew I wanted my birth to be different than the first and I was on a mission to make that happen. Along the way my paths crossed with a doula here in the RGV and on February 24, 2023 my wish came true! Every decision in my birth was MY choice and I had such a beautiful experience I knew I needed to help others achieve this experience too! I began diving into the world of birth photography but found myself longing to support my clients more. In October of 2023 I dove deep and traveled to Houston TX, to train and receive certification as a doula with BEST Doula.

I am here today to help raise awareness and  education. I hope to help and support as many woman as I can discover that you are a mujer poderosa and have always had that super power within you! El embarazo, parto, y tiempo después de parto es algo mágico y lleno de logros y es mi deseo que puedas sentirte en control de tus decisiones!

Finalmente, gracias por estar aquí y seguir mi página! I am here to advocate for all reproductive rights and bring reproductive justice to the RGV!